An IoT-based Library Management System is designed for the efficient management of books in the library. The system is fully automated and facilitates both the librarian and the user/student. An RFID card is issued to the library members which is scanned at the entrance.
A flutter mobile application is developed to have access to the complete database of the library. The user can search for books from the library through this application. The books of interest can be reserved from home as well. Each book has an RFID tag and is RFID scanned at the self-checking counter. It is automatically issued to the students for a specific period. The mobile application also keeps the record of the books issued, to whom they are issued, and fines in case of a delay in return. Messages are automatically generated on the return date of books. When returned, the book is again RFID scanned, and the database is being updated.
The system has been thoroughly tested and its reliability is guaranteed. It has made the library user's and staff’s tasks easy. The system is smart, convenient, and practical with a high degree of automation. It can be easily implemented in schools, colleges, private and public libraries, and other organizations.
Key Words: Library Management System, RFID, IoT, Flutter Mobile Application.