NUST Institutional Repository

Pakistan Army Military Transport Automation Program (PAMTAP)

Show simple item record Arshad, Usama Khan, Tahir Ul Hussain, Syed Arif Ayub, Saqib Supervised by Wajahat 2025-02-10T05:19:58Z 2025-02-10T05:19:58Z 2022-05
dc.identifier.other PCS-432
dc.description.abstract A fully equipped and well maintained miltary transport system is the absoulte need of any army both in peace and war setting. Fully fit echlons of military transport help the army to effectively advance through enemy territory in war as well as perform routine duties properly in peace. Military mobility and effectiveness depends on the proper maintainance of the vehicle and timely inspections. As in every system, humans commit the most errors. In Pakistan Army maintaince of vehicles is carried out manually at unit level using Vehicle Daily Running Account (VDRA) and Log Book. This data is than maually entered in eARMS. This manual entry process gives a chance of erroneous data and manipulation of data. To cater for the problem and to reduce the manual handling of records besides providing user assistance we as a team have come with the proposal named as “PAMTAP” stands for Pakistan Army Military Transport Automation Program. Our project will construct into a web application using the existing eArms application protocols. It will provide user a service of real time entry of records , automated generation of records and prediction for the maintanance points. PAMTAP is an exiting concept but it has never been impleted on ground. We plan to implement it in a cost effective way so that it can be adopted easily in units. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Pakistan Army Military Transport Automation Program (PAMTAP) en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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