NUST Institutional Repository

Banking Bot Based On Rasa Framework

Show simple item record Nagi, Musa Hussain, Tasawur Naeem, Zarnab Ali, Malik Kazim Supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Alina Mirza 2025-02-10T12:40:52Z 2025-02-10T12:40:52Z 2022-05
dc.identifier.other PTE-315
dc.description.abstract Banking Bot is an Artificial Intelligence-based Chatbot. It works like an imaginary Assistant e.g. Siri, Cortana, etc. This Banking bot is particularly designed for operations related to banks that can comprehend customer queries and then reply accordingly. The main objective of this project is to use Natural Language Understanding (NLU) for the training of Chatbot. Whenever we have any bank-related problem or questions we have to go to the bank to sort out our problem, it's so time-consuming and takes a lot of effort; On the other hand, sometimes the bank staff is also very busy to give us their time. To sort out this problem we proposed a banking bot which can understand the people's queries and give valuable responses to the customers, online which saves the valuable time of customers and banking staff both. Customers can directly chat with the bot online to solve their queries and perform the task which they want. Besides understanding queries this bot can also perform transactions, adding a beneficiary, check balance, view history of customers, mini statement, account detail, fund transfer. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Banking Bot Based On Rasa Framework en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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