About 15% of the world's population lives with some shape of disability, of whom 2-
4% trip great difficulties in functioning. The international incapacity incidence is greater than
preceding WHO estimates which date from 1970 and cautioned a figure of round 10%.
This international estimate for incapacity is on the upward due to populace getting old and
the fast unfold of persistent diseases, as properly as upgrades in the methodologies used to measure
disability. Approximately about 132 million of the world population from which there are 34
developed and 156 developing countries, who has the requirement of the state of the art wheel
chair. It round about constitutes 1.86% population with respect to the complete world. Moreover,
motor disabilities is common among the people with varying condition, which causes incapacity
to produce a willing movement in any of the limbs or even rotation/movement of head. Our venture
is a concept to make lives of individuals experiencing this peculiarity, simple and easier and by
being more straightforward in our approach, we mean being confident, and normal while living a
life with such diseases. The idea is to make an Eye Monitored System which endorses and causes
movement of the wheelchair depending on the direction of movement of retina. We comprehend
that any person battling quadriplegia can somewhat have control over his eyes and slant his head,
therefore creating a system that recognize such moves. The thesis is aimed at providing a solution
to disabled people as a contribution towards the betterment of the society. Quadriplegia is paralysis
whereby all the four limbs of a person are paralyzed which results in partly or completely losing
control of limbs and torso. We desire to build a machine, where a patient sitting on a wheel chair
is gazing into the camera, and be able to move in the desired direction just by movement of retina.
The camera signals are monitored by a PYTHON script, a control signal is generated which causes
the motion our wheelchair after necessary processing through Arduino ATMega1284P. This work
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not only a big step towards the welfare of immobile wheelchair user, yet additionally gives a state
of the art device to those associations who needs to support/give wheelchair to clients who can't
bear the cost of it.