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Language Impairment Solution Application for Android (LISAAN)

Show simple item record Chaudhary, Abdullah Tariq, Jehangir Naeem, Usama Khan, Shehryar Supervised by Dr. Alina Mirza 2025-02-10T13:42:56Z 2025-02-10T13:42:56Z 2022-06
dc.identifier.other PTE-319
dc.description.abstract Hand Gesture Popularity Serves a Key for overcoming many difficulties and offering convenience for human existence. Verbal exchange is one of the utmost prairies needs of someone. Everyday individual makes use of audible works at the side gestures to talk together with his fellows; the effective via of message is spoken words. Deaf people can neither speak nor pay attention and are much depended on getting help signal language. In Pakistan many citizens are strange with Pakistan sign Language (PSL). Therefore, the Conversation between a Normal and Impaired Character turns into Confusing/ Difficult process. The Concepts of this is to develop an actual time verbal exchange device for Pakistan sign language (PSL) in an effort to summarize the verbal exchange gap. Impaired individuals will interact with digital Camera interfaced with application to be able to0 recognize the Gesture and convert it into text. Information can also be given by typing input message and its output result will Show on the Screen. It is Help that we may deliver readers with an inclusive into the field of automatic gesture and sign language popularity, and future facilitate future students efforts in this area. Proposed system will not only help the impaired community but also, the normal people who migrates from different counties and have little knowledge about languages. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Language Impairment Solution Application for Android (LISAAN) en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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