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A state of the art anomaly ids for hypervisor

Show simple item record Khan Sumbal, Muhammad Intisar Ullah Supervised by Muhammad Faisal Amjad. 2020-10-26T08:05:43Z 2020-10-26T08:05:43Z 2017-08
dc.identifier.other TIS-228
dc.identifier.other MSIS-12
dc.description.abstract Virtual machine is a SWbased replica of a real machine, built on the underline hardware machine. Virtualization enables today X86 computers to run multiple operating systems and applications, making your infrastructure simpler and more efficient. Applications get deployed faster, performance and availability increase and operations become automated, resulting in IT that’s easier to implement and less costly to own and manage. I will study and review the major security threats and vulnerabilities aimed at virtualization environment. In order to analyse the security mechanism available for virtualization technology, dev within last decade, analyse their effectiveness against threats and vulnerabilities targeted specifically to virtualization environment. Setup and create a baseline for a secure virtualized environment. The aimof this research is to propose an anomaly detection system for fully virtualized environment. All the network traffic and performance metrics of the guest machines maintained by hypervior are used for modeling the behaviors. Analyzing the metrics and classifying them with the normal and abnormal activities. Utilizing SVM (support vector machines) in Intrusion Detection, the generalizing ability of IDS becomes good when the sample size is small (less priori knowledge). In this research I will be using the data sets already available for research. The model / framework of an Intrusion Detection System for Hypervisor using any one of the available data analysis techniques, best suitingmy research work. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title A state of the art anomaly ids for hypervisor en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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