This toolkit aims to address the growing concern of harmful and false
content on various communication platforms. It provides three features for
Urdu language users, namely Toxic Content Detection, Fake Content
Detection, and Voice Cloning. The Toxic Content Detection feature uses
machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to analyze text
and voice notes for threat or abusive content. Similarly, the Fake Content
Detection feature uses the same technologies to detect false or misleading
information. Finally, the Voice Cloning feature uses speech synthesis
technology and audio processing to generate a voice note containing text in a
selected voice.
The toolkit's objective is to create a safer and more trustworthy online
environment for Urdu language users. The need for such a tool arises from
the increasing amount of harmful and false information being circulated on
social media and other online platforms. The toolkit's innovative features
can help detect such content and provide a way for users to generate
trustworthy voice notes. This toolkit can be used by anyone who wants to
ensure the content they are consuming or sharing is safe and authentic.
Overall, this toolkit can contribute to promoting digital well-being and
enhancing communication experiences in Urdu language communities.