For many years, the conventional design of the bird's cage has been in use. In most cases, a
healthy bird will actively whistle at any given time. Temperature and humidity are two
parameters that have an impact on the bird's health. In typical circumstances, the temperature and
humidity of the bird's cage should be kept between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius, with a humidity of
77 to 80 percent. The temperature and humidity are increased much higher or lower than they
should be in unusual circumstances. This inconsistency is generating health problems for the
bird, such as increased or decreased appetite, lethargic activity, and abnormal whistling
behaviour. The new bird cage design was implemented in order to increase the quality of the
birds' health. It is supplemented with an Arduino microcontroller that controls the lamp and fan
to maintain the temperature and humidity in the cage. In the event of real-time monitoring using
a smartphone, it also integrated with the internet of things utilising things view. As a result, the
new cage design demonstrates that the cage is kept in a normal state at all times. As a result,
avian breeding has considerably improved.