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Design Development of Power Amplifier for X-band Satellite Application

Show simple item record Ali, Hammad Mujahid, Nouman Saqib, Abdullah Uzair, Muhammad Supervised by Asst Prof Shibli Nisar 2025-02-12T11:30:40Z 2025-02-12T11:30:40Z 2023-06
dc.identifier.other PTC-435
dc.description.abstract Amplifiers are a crucial component when it comes to designing sophisticated equipment for modern wireless communication devices, satellites and radars. The Power Amplifier (PA) Plays Significant role in Communication Technology When Deployed as front end. Developing Amplifier Structures that are efficient and Cost Effective is a significant research topic today. The project aims to design a PA, operating in the X band. Micro strip printed circuit board technology will be used for fabrication of the design amplifier. Power Gain (G) can be improved by using substrates manufactured by rogers Corporation instead of the commonly available FR4 substrate. The number of stage and design complexity will also be reduced to offer a miniaturized product. Stepped impedance matching technique along with field effect transistors may be used to achieve the desired performance metrics such improved return loss and gain, efficiency and linearity etc. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Design Development of Power Amplifier for X-band Satellite Application en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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