The goal of the "Smart Cane for Visually Impaired" project was to create cutting-edge assistive technology
that would increase the mobility and freedom of people who are blind or visually impaired. The intelligent
cane gives users access to real-time environmental data by combining state-of-the-art sensors, machine
learning algorithms, and adaptive feedback mechanisms. The project successfully designed and built a
prototype that makes use of an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) for obstacle avoidance, a Raspberry Pi 5 for
object detection, and a Raspberry Pi Camera Module v1.3 for central processing unit. Users who are visually
handicapped benefit greatly from the smart cane's capacity to recognize obstacles, navigate through areas,
and provide timely feedback through an earphone, coin vibrator, and buzzer. Several Sustainable
Development Goals, including Good Health, and well-being, high-quality education, business, innovation,
infrastructure, and a decrease in inequality. To make the smart cane more widely available to visually
impaired people, next work recommendations include incorporating additional sensors, doing additional
user testing, and investigating options for large-scale manufacture. The effective creation of this prototype
shows how innovation and technology can enhance the lives of people with disabilities and promote an
inclusive society.