Terrorism is today's biggest international problem. Many countries are a ected by
this curse, directly or indirectly. Counter terrorism involves political/security activi ties designed to overcome terrorism. Use of e ective anti terrorist strategy, supported
by technology, will surely help to cut o its roots. Counter terrorism decision support
framework is an integration of three anti terroirist defense planning elements these are
preincident, incident and post incident.The integrated framework revolves around Com mand Control Computer Communication Intelligence (C4I) Systems Engineering method ology with an aim to improving decision quality/speed .The conceptual architecture and
Systems of system arhitecture has been developed of counter terrorism system in this
research.The Systems of system architecture of C4I comprises of three subsystems data
collection,intelligence and common operating picture. We brie y describe the valuable
work and contribution in the domain of data warehousing for data collection susbsystem,
data fusion and sensor fusion for intelligence subsystem, and Common Operating Picture
(COP). We prove our point with case studies and experimental results after implementing
the proposed COP and trying it with sample data.