Ophthalmology, like all other branches of medical sciences, has taken giant strides in the recent past. This book is an attempt to provide fundamentals of ophthalmology to the undergraduate medical student. It deals with basic concepts as well as recent advances. The beauty of the book is preservation of the underlying simplicity of the work while incorporating crucial but complex material lucubrated from latest research, investigations and inquiries in this ever expanding field. The first few chapters are devoted to providing the reader with a knowledge of the basic sciences relevant to the eye. Subsequently, each structure of the eye is discussed in a concise manner, with regards to its anatomy, various diseases and their management. The causes and prevention of blindness are discussed separately and finally the last chapter is devoted to ophthalmic instruments with a sketch and brief description of each instrument. The medical student is sometimes bombarded with the alarming multiplication of information. This book will definitely satisfy the queries of the students in a simple and precise manner. -- Provided by the publisher.
viii, pages : 512, illustration , 26cm. || Includes index || CONTENTS: Preliminary Pages i-ix -- Index 489-502 -- Chapter-01 Embryology and Anatomy 1-8 -- Chapter-02 Physiology of Vision 9-14 -- Chapter-03 Neurology of Vision 15-21 -- Chapter-04 Examination of the Eye 22-46 -- Chapter-05 Errors of Refraction 47-70 -- Chapter-06 The Conjunctiva 71-106 -- Chapter-07 The Cornea 107-152 -- Chapter-08 The Sclera 153-160 -- Chapter-09 The Uveal Tract 161-204 -- Chapter-10 The Lens 205-245 -- Chapter-11 The Vitreous 246-257 -- Chapter-12 Glaucoma 258-299 -- Chapter-13 The Retina 300-340 -- Chapter-14 The Optic Nerve 341-360 -- Chapter-15 Injuries to the Eye 361-374 -- Chapter-16 The Ocular Motility and Squint (Strabismus) 375-402 -- Chapter-17 The Lids 403-423 -- Chapter-18 The Lacrimal Apparatus 424-436 -- Chapter-19 The Orbit 437-447 -- Chapter-20 General Therapeutics 448-457 -- Chapter-21 The Causes and Prevention of Blindness 458-468 -- Chapter-22 Ophthalmic Instruments 469-488