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Geographical Information System and Geo-Spatial Operational Planning, Management and Execution for Pakistan Army Armor Regiment

Show simple item record Ali Haroon, Zeeshan Hassan Khan Fahad Jahangir, Saman Mushtaq, Sarah Ovais 2025-02-18T04:14:00Z 2025-02-18T04:14:00Z 2025-02-18
dc.identifier.other 2010-NUST-SCEE-BE-GI-16, 18, 7, 9, & 40
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Ejaz Hussain en_US
dc.description.abstract The project is a prototype design for an effective geospatial and terrain analysis based system for an Armor Regiment of the Pakistan Army. This system helps improve land operations by providing the commander better management and execution control over his under command assets. The system consists of a Command End (C.E) and a Field End (F.E). It is a Geographical Information System (GIS) based operational planning system which helps the commander make decisions based on Geospatial analysis. C.E is a workstation at the commander’s end while the F.E is designed to be installed in the tanks. Three core functionalities that the system provides includes ability to visualize terrain and scenarios both the planning and execution phases, ability to view information about under command assets, and ability to effectively use this information in location based visualization of assets. The project is a complete hardware and software solution to help improve operational planning and execution for an Armor Regiment. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Institute of Geographical Information Systems (IGIS) en_US
dc.subject Armor Regiment en_US
dc.subject Command End (C.E) and a Field End (F.E). en_US
dc.title Geographical Information System and Geo-Spatial Operational Planning, Management and Execution for Pakistan Army Armor Regiment en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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