Study of natural hazards like floods, and their mitigation emanates from physical and human geography, and its management is efficient and proper with significant use of one of the outcomes of neo-geography i.e. Geographic Information Systems. Survey of literature on floods and natural hazards suggests the use of WebGIS and Spatial Mash-Ups as the most effective solution. This project aims at protyping the idea of a Web based Spatial Mash-Up for flood disaster mitigation integrating information from various sources and of different types that be Spatial as well as Non Spatial. The different components comprise of a Data Center to visualize Base Data information regarding floods, Real Time Ground Observations about flood related attribute for preparation as well as SMS based Distress Calls from victims to facilitate rescue and relief service providers, Near Real Time Web Based data, e.g. News and Discharge information from other web sources. Mashing Up all the information from various sources as a useful product for the analyst and the decision makers to help disaster management for better mitigation and policy making.