Daily commute to your university or workplace without owning a vehicle is as hard as it gets. Public transport is unreliable and there is a dire need of an efficient system that will be able to accommodate people along with the convenience and reliability. Fleet Monitoring and Route Planning for NUST Transport is a comprehensive GIS based implementation strategy for solving the problems of students acquiring NUST Transport as well as the administration using an obsolete flat file record for managing a transport fleet. The data used for the project was acquired from NUST Transport administration. An algorithm has been designed which takes text addresses an as input and converts them into latitude and longitude, groups those pairs of latitudes and longitudes into clusters and then assigns a vehicle to each address. The database of the system resides on a remote Heroku server which accepts requests through a user interactive interface for students and administration where each of them will have their role specific capabilities. The system has two main interfaces that are the web and android interface. We’ve successfully automated the database system and we’re able to track and monitor transport vehicles on our server. Its tracking capabilities will be able to cater the user needs in an urban environment.