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Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus Tenth Edition

Show simple item record Allyn J. Washington 2025-02-20T16:47:12Z 2025-02-20T16:47:12Z 2014
dc.identifier.isbn 978-0-13-311653-3
dc.description.abstract Scope of the Book Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus, Tenth Edition, is intended primarily for students in technical and pre-engineering technical programs or other programs for which coverage of basic mathematics is required. Chapters 1 through 20 provide the necessary background for further study with an integrated treatment of algebra and trigonometry. Chapter 21 covers the basic topics of analytic geometry, and Chapter 22 gives an introduction to statistics. Fundamental topics of calculus are covered in Chapters 23 through 31. In the examples and exercises, numerous applications from the various fields of technology are included, primarily to indicate where and how mathematical techniques are used. However, it is not necessary that the student have a specific knowledge of the technical area from which any given problem is taken. Most students using this text will have a background that includes some algebra and geometry. However, the material is presented in adequate detail for those who may need more study in these areas. The material presented here is sufficient for three to four semesters. One of the principal reasons for the arrangement of topics in this text is to present material in an order that allows a student to take courses concurrently in allied technical areas, such as physics and electricity. These allied courses normally require a student to know certain mathematics topics by certain definite times; yet the traditional order of topics in mathematics courses makes it difficult to attain this coverage without loss of continuity. However, the material in this book can be rearranged to fit any appropriate sequence of topics. Another feature of this text is that certain topics traditionally included for mathematical completeness have been covered only briefly or have been omitted. The approach used in this text is not unduly rigorous mathematically, although all appropriate terms and concepts are introduced as needed and given an intuitive or algebraic foundation. The aim is to help the student develop an understanding of mathematical methods without simply providing a collection of formulas. The text material is developed recognizing that it is essential for the student to have a sound background in algebra and trigonometry in order to understand and succeed in any subsequent work in mathematics. New to This Edition The tenth edition of Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus includes all the basic features of the earlier editions. Specifically, among the new features of this edition are en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Pearson Education, Inc en_US
dc.title Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus Tenth Edition en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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