Technical Cadets Block of Military College of Engineering Risalpur; home to twentyfive Cadet Engineering Degrees was constructed in 1966. The masonry structure of the block
has completed its design life and is now facing severe structural failure despite regular
maintenance over the years. The emergence of cracks in the walls and roof slabs, spalling of
concrete cover in the slabs and seepage of water through the walls are some of the main
evidences of the structural failure. The block being home to a hundred potential officers of
Pakistan Army demands an immediate reconstruction of the block in line with the
international standards and building code. This project hence focuses on the Architectural and
Structural Design of a new Technical Cadets Block with the former being based on Modern
Architectural Design Theory of “Less is More” while the latter based on the American
Concrete Institute Code 318-08. The existence of Mosque, Gymnasium, Lawns, and
Stationary Shop epitomizes the Architectural Design Concept. The structural design of the
block is carried out as a frame structure in ETABS™ and supplemented with manual
calculations. A Bill of Quantities has been drafted for the project using Military Engineering
Services Schedule of Rates in order to ascertain the cost of the project. Furthermore, a Project
Management Plan drawn up using PRIMAVERA™ has been augmented with the project in
order to enable the project managers to make informed decisions and develop working
strategies. The project is executed with the hope of securing a better future for the Technical
Cadets and providing them a firm base for personal development.