In this work, a solar combi-system is modelled and simulated in TRNSYS to meet the space heating load of a standard office room (8 m × 5 m × 3.12 m) and to fulfill the water heating demand of ten persons present in the office. The solar based system primarily consists of a solar collector, storage tank and an auxiliary boiler which feeds hot water to the room radiator unit for space heating and to the domestic hot water tank for heating purpose at cloudy weather. Weather data file obtained from Metronorm software for Islamabad (33.71̊ N, 73.06 ̊ E) is used in present work.
TRNSYS simulation are run for the whole winter season by using flat plate and evacuated tube collectors. Performance analysis are carried out by varying the collector area, collector slope and storage volume to estimate the system performance. Our whole system simulation result shows that proposed system gives the significant savings in primary energy with payback five to seven years.