Distributed system is the backbone of information services on the Internet. However, rapidly evolving and highly diversified world of information services requires huge information processing capacity and service provision on the Internet time scale. But the state of the art of distributed systems is human dominated administered, which cannot meet Internet time scale and quality of service for e-commerce. A critical prerequisite for distributed system technology to comply with the new challenge is that it must be completely self-tuning with autonomous adaptation to evolving workload with “zero” human administration.
In line with the above stated requirements of self administering and autonomous distributed systems, we propose the adaptation of agent technologies in existing Grid environments. The systems require entities that are capable of dynamic decision making for catering to unforeseen conditions and usability patterns being generated at runtime. In addition, we foresee the need of systems based on service-oriented architecture. Service oriented architectures support the provisioning of autonomous service entities that are loosely coupled and can support cooperation and coordination of entities for problem solving. The system needs to make decisions based on the workflow metadata it gets from different entities in the form of requests and then process these jobs based on the metadata provided. My project was based on the workflow and grid services. The approach to this involves the use of Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS), ActiveBPEL engine and globus toolkit.