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Handling malicious insiders in an IOT based on cloud E-healthcare environment

Show simple item record Ahmed, Afsheen Supervised by Dr. Rabia Latif. 2020-10-27T03:55:06Z 2020-10-27T03:55:06Z 2017-12
dc.identifier.other TIS-238
dc.identifier.other MSIS-13
dc.description.abstract The emergence of Internet of Things (IoTs) is introducing smart objects as the fundamental building blocks in order to develop a cyber-physical smart universal environment. The IoTs have innumerable daily life applications including healthcare industry: that has been improved to a much greater extent due to the provision of ubiquitous health monitoring along with the emergency response services and electronic medical billing. But due to the limited resources possessed by IoTs like storage and processing power, these intelligent objects are unable to efficiently provide the e-Health facilities as they are not able to process and store the enormous amount of collected data. To overcome these limitations, IoTs are merged with Cloud Computing technology. These two biggest hits in IT industry are transforming the healthcare world to a great level. Although the frameworks based on the integration of IoTs and Cloud Computing are contributing towards better patient care yet, on the contrary, they are challenging the privacy and reliability of the patients’ information. In this research work a framework, for e-Healthcare environment has been proposed in which IoTs are merged with Cloud Computing technology. This framework is operationally efficient as it deploys middleware layer on cloud. Furthermore, this framework has been made secure against Malicious Insiders attack inside Cloud by implementing the proposed Context Based Access Control System (CBACS). The suggested CBACS protects the patients’ information stored in cloud storage. This system counters the major threat of Malicious Insiders posed to the confidentiality and integrity of healthcare information by managing the access of insiders to the stored data inside cloud. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Handling malicious insiders in an IOT based on cloud E-healthcare environment en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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