The design of any system e.g. network systems and telecommunication systems contain
mathematical model which are complex and require lot of computational power for
analysis and simulation. For such scenarios, to make the analysis and design of these
systems easier, model order reduction (MOR) is used which reduce the complexity of
these models by reducing their order. It takes less computational power and simulation
time when models with reduced orders are used. MOR methods are very useful when
it comes to analyze large and complex systems such as space systems, state estimation
in UAVs and high voltage systems etc.
In feedback control systems theory, the major contribution of balanced truncation is
its application in model reduction which gives the stable reduced models and an error
bound within certain frequency limit. This is also known as frequency weighted MOR
problem. For a given transfer function there are almost infinite state space realizations
but a particular realization has been proved useful in control systems theory which is
called internally balanced realization. It indicates the dominant system states and it is
the minimal realization which is also asymptotically stable.
The most wanted property in some systems is passivity which can be implied if the
system’s transfer function is positive real. When the model is reduced to rth ROM
using MOR it is desired to preserve the important features such as passivity, stability
and input output behavior etc. Since passive systems are also stable systems and not
vice versa, it is very important in MOR algorithms to preserve passivity.
A lot of work has been done on passivity preserving model order reduction techniques
in case of continuous time (CT) systems whereas no work is done in case of
discrete time (DT) systems. Performance of a system can be enhanced by sampling
and also the computational cost can be relatively reduced in this case.
This research focuses on passivity preserving model order reduction (MOR) technique
for discrete time systems. Balanced truncation along with extended Enns’ and
Umair et al. technique proposed for continuous time systems are modified for discrete
time systems. The proposed technique preserves passivity and yields reasonable
approximation error.