Pakistan is rapidly growing economy of the world with one of the highest urbanizations and average annual growth rate of 2.4 %, therefore municipal solid waste generation is also quite high as (0.4 to 0.7) kg/capita/day. This study represents a gap analysis of MSW management companies, Waste to Energy Potential for the selected cities, proximate and ultimate analysis of MSW fuels, and comparison with other fossils fuels, cost-benefits analysis of solid recovered fuels with local fossil fuel. To achieve these objectives surveys, interviews and ground observation were performed. For the WtE technology adaptation, two scenarios were considered; Mass burn and mass burn without recycling materials for the two cities of Islamabad and Peshawar. In experimentation, model fuel is manufactured and there proximate and ultimate analysis was performed. Cost-benefit analysis of SRF and comparison with fossil fuels was performed. The analysis of the WSSP municipality has the problem of bin locations, vehicle underutilization, inexperienced and uneducated labor. The analysis of the potential of WtE shows that Mass Burn with recycling has the potential of producing 178 MW and 141 MW of electricity for Peshawar and Islamabad respectively. While the second scenario based on Mass Burn without recycling has the potential of 23 MW & 14 MW of electricity generation at Peshawar and Islamabad respectively. The calorific value of SRF is very close to that of wood and coal. The replacement of wood, coal, natural gas, and furnace oil gives savings of up to 41%, 24%, 12%, 2% respectively with MSW SRF fuels.