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Behavioral Model to Study Impact of Power Amplifier Non Linearity on Optimal Resource Allocation

Show simple item record Malik, Usman Mahmood Supervised by Dr. Imran Rashid) 2020-10-28T03:05:24Z 2020-10-28T03:05:24Z 2016-01
dc.identifier.other TSE-01
dc.description.abstract Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) offers significant increase in data throughput and link range without additional bandwidth or increased transmit power. It does so by deploying multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver and by dividing the landscape into cells and cell sectors. Performance of MIMO system depends largely on resource allocation that is, how the time, power, frequency, and spatial resources are divided among users while balancing the fundamental tradeoff between maximizing aggregate system throughput and maintaining user fairness [1]. A variety of non-idealities effect the performance of MIMO system. Transceiver impairments have a minor impact on point-to-point system but this effect is severs in MIMO system because of large number of transmit and receive antennas and cannot be ignored. Transceiver impairments exist because of nonlinear power amplifiers, phase noise, and IQ-imbalance. This study has focused on non-linear power amplifiers as main source of transceiver impairments to develop a behavioral model to study impact of nonlinear power amplifiers on optimal resource allocation. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Behavioral Model to Study Impact of Power Amplifier Non Linearity on Optimal Resource Allocation en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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