Semantic Web is an emerging technology that is increasing being employed
across application and community boundaries to make the World Wide Web
more easily interpretable and improve content sharing. Semantic Web uses
Resource Description Framework (RDF), as a standardized logical data model
to make its data machine-readable and RDF Query/Update (SPARQL/S-
PARUL) as standard languages to manipulate RDF data. As Semantic Web
applications grow increasingly popular, new challenges of protecting them
against security threats emerge. Semantic query languages due to their
ible nature are prone to existing attacks such as command injection as well
as attacks that exploit new vulnerabilities in these languages making it nec-
essary for application developers to understand the security risks involved
when deploying Semantic applications. In this research we have analyzed
and categorized the possible injection attacks to which Semantic languages
are vulnerable. We have developed a deliberately insecure J2EE Semantic
Web application, called SemWebGoat-inspired by the open source vulnerable
web application-WebGoat, that o ers a realistic teaching environment for ex-
ploiting vulnerabilities in web applications. We have also implemented Web
Application Firewall (WAF) protection mechanisms for mitigating SPAR-
QL/SPAURL injection attacks. For the evaluation of SemWebGoat we con-
ducted a user study as well as performed experimental evaluation in which
we used di erent web application scanners and penetration testing tools to
detect Semantic Web application vulnerabilities. In addition to these, we
also carried out testing to evaluate the performance of SemWebGoat under
various test scenarios and stress conditions.
The results of the user study concludes that regular web developers
are not normally familiar with the injection vulnerabilities demonstrated in
SemWebGoat. Moreover web application scanners and penetration testing
tools do support SPARQL/SPARUL grammar and are unable to detect its
corresponding injection vulnerabilities. The performance testing validates
that the use of our WAF rules negligibly e ect the performance of SemWe-
bGoat, making it a suitable defense mechanism for vulnerable applications.
We have implemented and evaluated WAF rules using the popular open-
source rewall-ModSecurity as well as extended some existing penetration
testing tools to support SPARQL/SPARUL injections with the aim of as-
sisting both developers and web administrators in protecting their Semantic
Web applications.