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Integration of ASM with Event-B RODIN

Show simple item record Ullah, Innayat 2020-10-28T11:09:40Z 2020-10-28T11:09:40Z 2015
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Osman Hasan en_US
dc.description.abstract This thesis is related to the integration of diverse formal veri cation tools to harness their capabilities for better modeling and veri cation of complex systems. In this e ort we worked on integrating Abstract State Machines (ASMs) with Event-B using the RODIN platform. Event-B is a formal veri cation tool that is used for real-time system-level modeling and analysis. Event-B is primarily based on the B Method, which is a formal method for the development of program code from a speci cation in the Abstract Machine Notation. Event-B uses sets and rst-order predicate logic as its foundations. It allows di erent abstraction levels to be shown using re nements. Event-B is supported by the RODIN platform that uses the Eclipse IDE. ASMs are very easy to develop and manipulate but their veri cation is an issue. The tool set is not that rich in veri cation. Whereas RODIN toolset is very rich in Veri cation and Validation of the requirements. In particular, in the thesis, we de ne Event-B and ASMs and the tech- nique we devised to perform their translation (ASM to Event-B). Moreover there is an architectural and visual design of the tool-set that we propose to develop for this translation. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Science & Technology en_US
dc.subject Integration, ASM, Event-B RODIN, en_US
dc.title Integration of ASM with Event-B RODIN en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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