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Blind Guide, A smart Indoor navigation system for Blind people using Wifi positioning and BLE-Beacons

Show simple item record Muhammad Makshif Tanveer, Nabeel Ali Shoaib Haseeb 2020-10-28T14:03:18Z 2020-10-28T14:03:18Z 2016
dc.description Supervisor: Dr Muneebullah en_US
dc.description.abstract According to the survey of World Health Organization (WHO), 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 have low vision. These are the people who are dependent on others in one way or the other. The science has progressed so much but a very little effort has been put in to make them independent. The major problems for them is to move from one place to another inside a building, which makes them ask for help at every step they take. This creates problem and risks for blind people and it may be irritating for the people whom they ask as well. BlindGuide aims at developing a voice enabled smart indoor navigation system for blind people that enables them, to move from one place to another inside a building without needing to take anyone’s help. This application makes use of some of the modern technologies, like Wi-Fi-positioning and BLE-signals to guide the person who needs help. The blind person who is using this applications, needs to tell the application through voice that where he would like to move. The device will take the input, get to know about the present location of that person through Wi-Fi-positioning and will guide the person to the destination through continuous voice commands. For this system we need to have Bluetooth 4.0 enabled device. Version of android must not be older than KitKat 4.4. We need to have at least 3 Wi-Fi routers in range of device, sensors for using compass in mobile and BLE beacons. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad en_US
dc.subject Software Engineering en_US
dc.title Blind Guide, A smart Indoor navigation system for Blind people using Wifi positioning and BLE-Beacons en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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