Automatic wireless registration system for vehicles is one of the latest techniques in the present era
of telecommunication. This technique is never being implanted before on commercial level.
Although a lot of work is being done in the field of RFID technology using passive tags. We have
used an active module in the car comprising Microcontroller and RF Modem. One of the main
reasons for working on this idea was the fact that manual compliance monitoring methods are
sporadic and usually depend upon other incident detection events, resulting in minimal sampling of
the total vehicle population.
The aim of the project is to establish a communication link between the RF Modems using wireless
channel. The idea is to successfully implement this technology in lab environment in a cost effective
manner using minimum resources. For this purpose microcontrollers are used for the processing,
with the input and output through RF modems. The microcontroller code is implemented using Keil
and the base server code is implemented using Visual Basic.