NUST Institutional Repository

Cafe Map-Web based Online Ordering System

Show simple item record Eman, Kanzah Farooqi, Tayyaba Altaf, Omair Mahmood, Asad Supervised by Intisar Rizwan-I-Haque 2020-10-29T04:30:10Z 2020-10-29T04:30:10Z 2014-06
dc.identifier.other PTC-207
dc.identifier.other TCC-22 / BETE-47
dc.description.abstract Café map is a web based solution for the food chains to introduce their menus and deals on web a forum. It makes feasible for customers to view nearby restaurants and cafes. The customer can further order the food that is available on the website. Proprietors also get an advantage in this way; they don’t have to reprint their new offers. All they have to do is to update their deals on our website. User can change the priority of the menus according to his mood, time and weather. User is also notified with the updates via an email. The main theme and framework of the idea is based on responsive design (web & mobile phones) meaning that this cafe solution should work on any device irrespective of platform, resolution or device i.e. covering the entire mobility spectrum, only a few provide such an end to end solution. Designing of webpage is an important part of the project. We have used MS SQL Server and ASP.Net in Visual studio. Language tool mainly used is C#. This project is implemented on ARM11 OK6410. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Cafe Map-Web based Online Ordering System en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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