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Remote radio monitoring system using DTMF

Show simple item record Baber, Nc Niazi, M Umer Zaman, Sajid Kiyani, Shahid Shiekh, Tariq Supervised by Fazal Ahmed 2020-10-29T04:44:41Z 2020-10-29T04:44:41Z 2003
dc.identifier.other PTE-117
dc.identifier.other TE-36
dc.description.abstract The aim of this project is to develop a multi purpose Transmitter and Receiver to be used in Specialized applications such as infra red remote surveillance system, flood detection, sound detection or any other use depending upon ingenuity of the user .The final module made is ensured to be portable, small, flexible, inexpensive and power efficient. It has been made keeping in view certain military considerations like less on air time and immunity to the interference .For this purpose the FM is preferred over the AM technique FM is less susceptible to the interference and noise .Also the signal to noise ratio of FM is much greater than AM signal Further more to achieve greater flexibility ,we have used DTMF for identification of different transmitters. In this way we can use a number of transmitters with one receiver. Receiver has been interfaced with computer serial port. A small program in visual BASIC has been written in order to display the area of activity. The activity in any of the sensors shall activate the FM transmitter circuit, which will send its identification code to the receiver using DTMF. The code will be interpreted by the PC and indicated on the screen en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Remote radio monitoring system using DTMF en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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