The aim of this final year project is to control, manage and monitor all electrical devices either digital or analog remotely by using the GSM modem and through PC using Serial port. GSM modem provides the mechanism of communication between the microcontroller and the client through Short Message Service (SMS). User will be able to control the many electrical gadgets by sending SMS (Standard Format) to the control system based on microcontroller. These SMS message is interpreted by the microcontroller and validated. If the received SMS commands are valid then requisite action will be take place to control the devices. The system constantly monitors the statuses of all the devices connected. If the user wants to know the status of any device or all the devices, he may send a status message and system based on microcontroller automatically sends back the SMS based alerts to the client indicating the status of the devices/all the devices.
The project involves comprehensive working on micro-controller, computer and communication principles. It uses Smoke, light and IR sensors for controlling lights, and various alarms. Water level sensor is used for automatic switching of water pump. Serial communication is used for controlling home devices through PC.
This project also includes the usage of programming environment. MikroC is used for programming microcontroller and Java has been used for transmitting serial data to microcontroller. Proteus has been used for simulation of the circuit and for the developing PCB layout.