We present a methodology to perform the analysis of a video stream, as generated by an Unmanned Air Vehicle observing a theatre of operation. The goal of this analysis is to provide an alert mechanism to a human operator. We propose to observe the remote terrains and moving objects and to infer behaviours using context. A camera is mounted on the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle which takes the video of the ground and also the GPS coordinates of the place which is under surveillance. The video will be received at the base station using the RF receiver, which is connected to the Laptop or Personal Computer. On base station, the operator can see any obstacles or signs of enemy or danger in the path. We present a technical approach, together with a demonstration plan and an evaluation procedure.
From Military point of view, soldiers go out into the fields without the knowledge of any enemy already present in the field. There is a chance of ambush every time they step into the fields which are not known to them. There needs to be a system by which they might be able to know beforehand what lies ahead in their path. With the use of video surveillance on UAV they can be able to view the terrain which they need to visit. Video surveillance has become an important aspect in our daily life like in markets, without video surveillance there would be more number of thefts and robberies. On highways, people would not follow the rules. But this surveillance is limited due to static position of the camera. There’s a need to enhance the scope and make such a system that would keep check on any remote area, wherever you want, whenever you want. Our project gives the solution.