Companies producing consumer products have begun working on ways to control their products over the IP (internet protocol). Multinational electronics firms are marking a fair share of their lines using technologies like the RF ID, a front end to the IP networks. The main feature that is achieved by the already-existing home automation systems is that, every piece of equipment integrated is to be controlled by a central unit. The proposed solutions based on this idea are relatively expensive and difficult to configure per each system environment. IP based systems are supposed to be simpler to be accessed and easier to manipulate, with the only necessity being, close proximity to a direct internet connection. With this in mind, we designed a low cost hardware/software framework based energy management and control system for home/industrial automation, which is to be accessed and controlled through a direct internet connection even in dynamic IP configurations. We have developed the software and hardware infrastructure necessary for this system. There are many commercial home automation systems available. However, these are often proprietary and/or designed for limited use. This project seeks to pave the way for IP-enabling home appliances, making such devices part of the Internet. Therefore, these devices can individually be controlled both from within the home and remotely. Internet enabling each of these devices eliminates the need for special Internet connected control units, simplifying home automation.