NUST Institutional Repository

Design and development of loop extender/repeater for patcom’s analogue card (CHA-03)

Show simple item record Tufail, Atif Younas, Nadeem Bajwa, Qasim Khan, Taseer Supervised by Dr. Imran Rasheed 2020-10-29T07:08:56Z 2020-10-29T07:08:56Z 2004-04
dc.identifier.other PTE-124
dc.identifier.other TE-38
dc.description.abstract The induction of state of the art PATCOMS equipment has revolutionized the communication scenario of Pakistan Army. In field conditions, the importance of provision of vital information to commanders at all level can never be denied. It has often experienced that units/detachments are deployed in AOR much ahead of the formations/unit headquarters. A normal analog PATCOMS subscriber number which has a maximum line length of 6 kms can not be extended to such isolated units/detachments deployed beyond the recommended line distance as no line extender/repeaters are presently available with PATCOMS equipment. The functionality of this project is to describe the specifications for a device which will be used to enhance the existing range of the analog extention of patcoms. This device will include two separate circuits,one each for exch side(DMU-220) and the other for the subscriber side. Each device will act as self-contained independent systems. This configuration will allow the signal to be enhanced and amplified at both ends.The device is planned to contain a power amplifier in the voice frequency range, an echo cancellation device,and an impedance matching unit. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Design and development of loop extender/repeater for patcom’s analogue card (CHA-03) en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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