The concept of inductive resonant Wireless Power Transfer is based on the well known mechanism of strongly coupled magnetic resonance. This emerging technology is used “to transmit power efficiently over a mid-range distance” which is “a few times the size of the resonator”. The energy exchange takes place between two objects with the same resonant frequency, whereas the interaction with extraneous off-resonant objects is weak. This emerging technology will lead to no more messy wires and with widespread enough use it could even eliminate costly batteries.[9] It has many applications in automobile, oil, biomedical and every other industry that uses electronic devices that run on power. One of the applications is in the biomedical industry utilizing it within implantable device like cardiac pacemakers etc.
A proto type model was made using basic electronic. The project has two parts transmitter and receiver. Transmitter consist of oscillator which was implemented using modified royer fly back circuit, for resonator and impedance matching network tank circuit was used. Receiver consists of tank circuit, bridge rectifier and voltage regulator.
The system was able two transmit power and charge two mobile phones simultaneously up to the distance of 1 feet. Project specifications were validated practically in the lab including degradation in receive power level over the distance from which efficiency of the project was calculated.