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Pakistan army radio frequency analysis and management system (PARAMS)

Show simple item record Hameed, Imran Shabbir, Babar Baloch, Babur Aslam Ejaz, Adnan 2020-10-29T07:58:03Z 2020-10-29T07:58:03Z 2006-04
dc.identifier.other PTE-138
dc.identifier.other TE-39
dc.description.abstract ‘Frequency Spectrum’ is a scarce resource, demanding judicious use. The success of any communication plan requires an efficient frequency management system. Pakistan Army Signal Corps employs a number of radio sets in different frequency bands for provision of reliable communication. The current system of frequency allocation does not allow induction of new radio sets with different technical characteristics. A software based frequency analysis and management system has been developed. It analyses all factors of HF frequency communication theory. The emphasis is on an interference free distribution mechanism to the desired number of nets allowing usage of any type of radio equipment working on either fixed frequency (FF) or in frequency hopping (FH) mode. PARAMS has been designed to provide Pakistan Army with a dynamic and flexible HF frequency analysis and management system. An effort has been made to highlight the flaws in the system in vogue and the dire need of software envisaging new technologies. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Pakistan army radio frequency analysis and management system (PARAMS) en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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