NUST Institutional Repository

Design and implementation of tetra and FHMA systems and their interoperability in P25 environment

Show simple item record Shamim, Rabia Akbar, Aamina Umar, Sidra Kalim, Rohma supervised by Asst Prof. Imtiaz Ahmad Khokhar 2020-10-29T08:31:48Z 2020-10-29T08:31:48Z 2010-08
dc.identifier.other PTE-174
dc.description.abstract Project 25 is an industry wide effort to develop a standard for uniform digital twoway radio for public safety organizations. It is the first standard of its kind, to allow smooth scalable migration to interoperable systems. The systems being planned and installed in P. 25 include Terrestrial trunked radio system (TETRA), Integrated Dispatch Radio system (IDRA), Digital integrated mobile radio system (DIMRS), TETRAPOL system, Enhanced digital access communications system (EDACS) and Frequency hopping multiple access system (FHMA). TETRA is a high-performance mobile radio system which has been developed primarily to provide a comprehensive radio capability encompassing trunked, non-trunked and direct mobile-to-mobile communication with a range of facilities including voice, circuit mode data, short data messages and packet mode services. FHMA is primarily an advanced digital radio technique, which yields an optimal spectral-efficient mobile radio system. The underlying communication technique is a combination of TDMA and frequency hopping multiple access (a CDMA method). Powerful error protection provides excellent protection against deteriorated channel conditions, either due to low received signal power or to interference. In this thesis, TETRA and FHMA both have been implemented in LabVIEW and made interoperable at radio end on the P25 platform. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Design and implementation of tetra and FHMA systems and their interoperability in P25 environment en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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