The end of the last decade saw an immense growth in the field of information technology, worldwide. The concept of a 'Global Village' brought people closer from all over the world by providing them instant access to information. The quest for better communication devices has resulted in the production of communication systems that have information transfer characteristics approaching the ideal.
In this project, titled 'Noise Removal and Data Transmission Though HF Radio Set PK-786’. HF radio set PK-786 is an old and versatile radio set used for voice communication. The radio set is used to establish audio link across oceans or continents. The inherent problem with this set is the clarity of speech.
Due to recent developments HF radio sets can be used for transmitting high speed data. The group is interested to use Radio Set PK-786 for data transmission, thus increasing utilization of the radio set. We will develop modules that will be used for transmitting and receiving data. This development will be made in two steps, firstly removal of noise and secondly data transfer.
We will carry out circuit tracing of all printed circuit boards of radio set. This will help analyzing individual components and optimizing their performance. Moreover by improving filter performance we can decrease noise. Various error detection and error correction techniques will be used for correct data transmission. We will interface a Windows based personal computer with an HF transceiver to establish a communication system that transmits text data
This report has been divided into three sections. Section I is an introduction to HF radio basics and data communication over HF channel. It contains the necessary background required for the study of this report. Section II is base on filter design techniques whereas Section III gives the details of the hardware implementation of the project.