Biometrics is the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits. Besides it is used as a form of authentication. It is also helpful to identify and authenticate individuals at the entrance. Biometric identifiers are the distinctive, measurable characteristics used to label and describe individuals. The field of Biometrics is expanding and escalating with the increasing need of security as it is regarded as an authentic source of recognition.
This project is based on integration of biometric and non-biometric sources for ensuring automatic security system at the entrance. Biometric source involves the Facial Recognition while non-biometric is the RFID authentication. The objective of project is to develop a prototype for intelligent integrated security system based on biometric and non-biometric sources and to provide fool proof security at entrance which requires no human assistance.
This technology is widely deployed around the world but in Pakistan, it is not that common mainly because of the fact that it is very expensive and secondary there is less awareness about it among the masses. The biggest aim of choosing this project was to design a commercial system that is also cost-effective so that it can be affordable for small companies and institutions with low turnovers.