NUST Institutional Repository

IP Traceback Support for Computer Networks against Denial-of-Service Attacks

Show simple item record Mohsin, Syed Raza Aijaz, Adnan Rehman, Wasif Khan, Haseeb supervised by Mofassir-ul-Haque 2020-11-02T08:31:00Z 2020-11-02T08:31:00Z 2008-03
dc.identifier.other PTC-100
dc.description.abstract The Internet has brought a revolution in today’s life. Future of Internet is even more promising because of emerging technologies like ubiquitous computing, context sensitive, adaptive and reconfigurable applications. Security is the most important issue concerned with Internet. Internet is exposed to threats like system penetration, financial fraud, theft of proprietary information, Denial of Service (DoS)/Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks etc. Currently, DoS/DDoS attacks are the most expensive computer crimes. The attacker launching this type of attacks commonly masks his identity using IP spoofing. It is very difficult to identify the sources of a DoS/DDoS attack. IP traceback methods are used to locate the source of packets causing DoS/DDoS. Existing IP traceback techniques cannot trace every type of DoS attack. The main objective of the project was to develop a new IP traceback technique capable of tracing any type of DoS attack. The proposed technique is particularly designed for networks supporting both wired and mobile nodes. That is, it is compatible with IPv4 and IPv6 for wired IP networks and Mobile IPv4 for mobile IP networks. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title IP Traceback Support for Computer Networks against Denial-of-Service Attacks en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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