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Integrating Gamification in LMS for Enhanced Learning by Increased Instructor-Student Interaction and Feedback

Show simple item record Zehra, Nazish 2020-11-02T09:55:52Z 2020-11-02T09:55:52Z 2016
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Hamid Mukhtar en_US
dc.description.abstract Gamif cation is the use of game inspired elements in a system in order to motivate and enhance the engagement of its users. Learning Management Systems as employed by di erent educational institutes across the world can be adapted in a way to enhance the user engagement as well as to increase students' participation. In this study, a gami ed learning system is developed in order to introduce a competitive environment among the university students as compared to traditional Learning Management System. A number of gami cation concepts are discussed in the thesis, which are expected to stimulate the students' engagement and performance. Gami cation is employed in a number of components in Learning Management System in order to make the learning environment more interesting for the students. The developed system is also intended to provide the instructors with the information which would be inaccessible in a traditional Learning Management System. Di erent metrics on instructor interface give them an insight into students' engagement activities and therefore provide them with detailed analysis of students' recorded activities in a learning system. The system was tested for a group of students and an increase in students' engagement in LMS was observed, which is further analyzed for their academic performance. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Science & Technology en_US
dc.subject LMS, Instructor-Student, Integrating, Computer Science, Gami fication en_US
dc.title Integrating Gamification in LMS for Enhanced Learning by Increased Instructor-Student Interaction and Feedback en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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