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Multicore Enabled Support Vector Machines (SVM) using Intel Cilk Plus

Show simple item record Sadiq, Rana Mahmood 2020-11-02T09:58:03Z 2020-11-02T09:58:03Z 2015
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Asad Waqar Malik en_US
dc.description.abstract Bioinformatics applications establish a developing memory intensive, data in- tensive and high performance computing (HPC) space. While there is much research on algorithmic upgrades, the genuine execution of an application relies on how well the project maps to the target equipment. Proceeding with development in the measure of gene information, individuals from the bioinformatics group are adding to a Diversity of information mining appli- cations to comprehend the information and nd important data. These ap- plications are basic in portraying the setup and execution decisions of future elite microchips. This synopsis displays an execution investigation of parallel bioinformatics applications SVM-RFE (quality representation examination), on Intel x86 based hyper thread competent imparted memory multiprocessor frameworks by using Intel Cilk Plus. And shows an enumerated information proposing investigation and chip-multiprocessor (CMP) performance inves- tigation of a multithreaded information mining application SVM-RFE work- loads. In this postulation Multi Core Computing ideal models have been researched to accelerate SVM training, by parceling an expansive preparing dataset into little information chunks and process every piece in parallel us- ing the assets of a core of CPU. A resource conscious parallel SVM-RFE procedure is employed for Multi core processor PCs Using Intel Cilk Plus. SVM-RFE was at rst intended for parallel characterizations and was directly actualized. Nonetheless, this is multi core era we have to utilize all acces- sible chips on microchips. An resource aware parallel multicore SVM-RFE procedure is working more productively than past OpenMP multi center em- powered. We determine that compiler and runtime enhancements assume a vital part to accomplish the best execution for a given bioinformatics calcu- lation. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Science & Technology en_US
dc.subject Multicore, Machines (SVM), Intel Cilk Plus, Computer Science en_US
dc.title Multicore Enabled Support Vector Machines (SVM) using Intel Cilk Plus en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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