NUST Institutional Repository

Hardware implementation of narrowband SDR (software defined radio) waveform

Show simple item record Butt, Ahmed Ayub Naseer, Ehtasham Anjum, Faheem Supervised by Lec Adnan Rashdi 2020-11-02T10:00:01Z 2020-11-02T10:00:01Z 2016-06
dc.identifier.other PTC-276
dc.description.abstract Our project is based on Software Defined Radio technology which aims to take advantage of programmable hardware modules to build Open architecture based radio system software. This leads to device flexibility, software portability and system upgradability. This project focuses to develop VHF/UHF Narrowband and Wideband waveforms for existing SDR platforms. The narrowband waveform based on frequency modulation (FM) designed for audio transmission and OFDM Wideband waveform designed for data transmission coded in C++ and Python are implemented on the platform using Labview software. The project envisions creating a standalone Software Defined Radio device dedicated to the transmission and reception of the indigenously developed VHF/UHF Narrowband and Wideband waveforms. The project will help to intrinsically maximize the benefits of SDR by providing waveforms to manufacturers building commercial base stations, mobiles and small form-factor handheld radios to allow them to reap the practical benefits of reusable, maintainable code. It will also pave the path for the further development of the telecommunication and information technology industry in Pakistan, making them capable to offer system based on latest wireless reconfigurable technologies. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Hardware implementation of narrowband SDR (software defined radio) waveform en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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