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Hardware based network scanning device

Show simple item record Zulfiqar, Abdullah Tariq, Muaz Younus, Muhammad Bilal Supervised by Waleed Bin Shahid. 2020-11-03T03:33:59Z 2020-11-03T03:33:59Z 2018-06
dc.identifier.other PTC-316
dc.identifier.other TCC-26 / BETE-51
dc.description.abstract Network Security plays a vital role in modern communication systems. Surveillance is the demonstration of finding targets and creating techniques important to assault those objectives effectively. In order to accomplish this we need to collect a lot of information e.g. Physical location of the target, Data about users at the facility, Administrative shortcuts, Operating systems, Network structure etc. Nowadays networks are being analyzed using various network scanning tools (devices) but for every operation the devices are supposed to be a part of network. This can be a hurdle in an era of vast artificial intelligence. These purpose built devices are costly as well. Our brainstorming results in designing a specific cheap and remote Network Scanning Device running pre-defined attacks using Raspberry Pi and Kali Linux (OS) scanning and probing tools. This device will be controlled by a server over a remote connection. The gadget can be used inline or as a totally independent in network. After performing the pre-defined attacks, it will summarize the entire operation in a short report. However, the user will have the complete control to include or exclude the attacks for a specific test. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Hardware based network scanning device en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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