This project outlines the strategy adopted for detection of minefield and IEDs using various techniques. There are many countries including Pakistan are affected by landmines and IEDs which present a major threat to lives and cause economic problems. Landmines are most used explosive device in insurgency areas by insurgents, harmful because of their unknown positions and often difficult to detect where IEDs are the improvised version of detonating explosive which is subject to the type and weight of explosive. The development of new demining technologies is difficult because of the tremendous diversity of terrains and environmental conditions in which mines are laid and also because of the wide variety of landmines. Similarly due to various triggering mechanism detection of IEDs are also big challenges to the affected countries. Currently, detecting and clearing mines demand specific expertise with special equipment. Several different techniques have been so far devised for prodding out and defusing landmines/IEDs. Using one and other strategies this robot will provide adequate security and protective measures to the moving troops against minefields and IEDs. Robot will take command from the user in the form of control signals and performs the required action. At present only three countries (USA, UK and Israel) have been able to develop such counter IED equipment’s. Researching in subject will enhance the state of art use of technology in future projects of military.