The project focuses on design & development of a portable wireless Human Computer Interface (HCI) system to create a robust hands free interface for disabled people or peoples having upper limb motor paralysis. Early techniques mainly considered image processing, gaze tracking and cameras to synthesis the device. We propose a new mouse asqan input deviceqfor a computer whose operation is based on measurement of movements of the user’s head and detection of eye blinks. A tilt sensor (3-axis accelerometer) is used to detect both lateral and vertical head movements to navigate the mouse cursor position placed on a helmet. The IR based eye blink sensor is placed on aspect used to detect eye blink and in turns do clicking operation. The signals are sent to the micro-controller (Adriano Uno) for processing & do required operations. The wireless technology includes Bluetooth module (HC-05) used to send signals to the computer in use. A ‘C’ based program is developed for the mouse control operations & provides a flexible method for the disabled people to improve both personal & professional life quality.