NUST Institutional Repository

Hand gesture based wireless robotic ARM

Show simple item record Ali, Ahsan Wasif, Altaf Haque, Mirz Usama Ul Supervised by Dr. Baber Aslam 2020-11-03T05:24:15Z 2020-11-03T05:24:15Z 2016
dc.identifier.other PTE-256
dc.description.abstract Prosthetic body parts have always intrigued us. The research we have witnessed and read about in the field have always motivated us to try and find solutions to assist people with disabilities, this project is innovative step in that direction. It is much more practical and potentially useful from a purposeful and economic standpoint. Artificial arm controlled by a glove with flex sensor is an engineering project with the goal of creating a system to provide hap tic feedback from a robotic arm. The robotic arm is controlled by hand gesture with a glove worn on someone's hand and IR proximity sensor detect the presence of nearby object, control signal is sent from human hand wearing glove using RF transmitter. At the receiver hand, proximity sensor detects the object. In case of presence of object moment is produced in robotic arm to move at particular location from one position to another. The item being sensed is often referred to as the sensor’s target. The sensed object then grabbed by artificial hand. The hand and the glove both work with Arduino. This project is simply a system of servos controlled via flex sensors and IR proximity sensor meant to detect the object and grabbing the object by the hand signal of the person. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Hand gesture based wireless robotic ARM en_US

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