NUST Institutional Repository

RFID and face recognition based entry system

Show simple item record Munir, Badar Ahmad, Shahryar Rafiq, Afaq Faraj, Muhammad Supervised by Dr. Imran Touqir. 2020-11-03T06:23:10Z 2020-11-03T06:23:10Z 2015-05
dc.identifier.other PTC-237
dc.identifier.other TCC-23
dc.description.abstract RFID tags which will be used to identify the authorized person. When the person passes its tag through the RFID Reader, the reader will read the tag. Video camera will be interfaced with the host computer. Reader will send the Tag of a particular student to the host computer for the identification of the student. As soon as the Tag is read by the Reader, camera will capture the image of the person. In the database each identification number corresponds to a particular person. Images of the persons are already stored in the database. Face recognition will be used for verification. Automated face recognition can never surpass human face recognition system. There is, and will remain a space for improvement in terms of optimal recognition results or efficiency. One of the major problems of facial recognition is its computational power and complexity. This dilemma is more common for larger database even using state of the art computers. In this project Discrete Wavelet Transform will be applied prior to face recognition algorithm which will reduce the computational complexity by an element of four with negligible effects on results. The family of Daubechies are going to be investigated and good bases in terms of potency with in the family of Daubechies are going to be projected for Face Recognition. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title RFID and face recognition based entry system en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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