NUST Institutional Repository

Cardi Wear - A Wearable ECG Device for Remote Monitoring

Show simple item record Rafi, Muhammad Haseeb Naeem, Menahil Hashim, Muhammad Waheed, Usama Supervised by Dr. Mir Yasir Umair 2020-11-03T06:41:05Z 2020-11-03T06:41:05Z 2019-05
dc.identifier.other PTC-344
dc.description.abstract According to the World Health Organization, Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are the primary cause of death globally: more people die annually from CVDs than from any other reason. [1] Pakistan’s population has one of the highest rated risks of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in the world. In Pakistan, around 30% to-40% of all deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The (CHD) related deaths in Pakistan have reached about 200,000 per year that is 410/100,000 of the population - including children. [2] By observing the statistics, it seems like an essential deduction that persistent monitoring should be accessible to the people with heart diseases at all times. ECG instruments used in hospitals are bulky and patients often experience allergic reaction as a result of using gel electrodes. We intend to innovate, design and create an indigenous low cost electrocardiogram (ECG) device which make use of gel free electrodes (stainless steel dry electrodes) and can be easily used by someone with none to low technical expertise for round-the-clock ECG self-monitoring and feedback. Our project consists of hardware and software components for a wireless (ECG) device. In addition, an Application has also been developed based on Android technology which provides an interface for the user in order to display as well as record the user’s results. Real-time ECG results can also be backed up on Cloud for storage and remote monitoring by the Physician. The Scope of this project is the incorporation of Bluetooth wireless communication in medical applications for home healthcare thereby enabling patients to experience the freedom of mobility. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Cardi Wear - A Wearable ECG Device for Remote Monitoring en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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