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Wireless USB Access-An Intermediate Between USB and RF Technology

Show simple item record Khan, Ammar Amir Sadiq, Danial Khan, Muhammad Suleman Supervised by Dr. Imran Rashid. 2020-11-03T06:49:17Z 2020-11-03T06:49:17Z 2015-07
dc.identifier.other PTC-245
dc.identifier.other TCC-23
dc.description.abstract USB flash devices – have seen a large influx in consumer use in recent years – especially with reference to sensitive data. With increasing consumer demands for prompt data accessibility, technologists have introduced the concept of wireless storage. During the past few years, advancements have mainly been focused on internet-based wireless storage solutions (Cloud Storage); however with the vulnerabilities of the internet as a whole from the diversely persistent hacker community, storing sensitive personal/business data online is no longer a viable solution. Bearing these problems in mind, we decided to contrive a solution that will enable flash storage data to securely be made accessible on common Bluetooth enabled smart devices. In a nutshell, our project is a storage medium interfaced to a Bluetooth module via controller along with AES encryption/decryption. We propose our solution as an alternative to other wireless data storage solutions. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Wireless USB Access-An Intermediate Between USB and RF Technology en_US
dc.title.alternative Wireless USB Access-An Intermediate Between USB and RF Technology en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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