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Cypher Maze : (A Secure and Private Anonymous Network)

Show simple item record Tahir, Shehram Malik, Hafsa Tariq, Hamza Murtaza, Hira Supervised by Asst. Prof. Waleed Bin Shahid 2020-11-03T06:50:36Z 2020-11-03T06:50:36Z 2019-06
dc.identifier.other PTC-347
dc.description.abstract In this era of internet ubiquity, Cyber-attacks and surveillance have made internet users privacy conscious. Therefore, safe and confidential transfer of data has now become a necessity. One prime way of ensuring privacy is to stay anonymous online by using a variety of anonymity solutions like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Proxies and The Onion Routing Project (TOR), but these widely used solutions come with some critical shortcomings like leakage of IP address, unencrypted data transfer, logging of user’s IP and many more vulnerabilities which don’t let the users trust these tools anymore . Therefore, a complete indigenous Anonymity solution was required to counter growing privacy and surveillance issues. This intrigued us to come up with Cypher Maze, that maintains absolute anonymity and confidentiality of users’ data by making use of the Onion Routing based encryption methodology to ensure browsing anonymity. This solution operates in two modes; Complete Anonymity Mode (CAM), to provide end to end anonymity and Partial Surveillance Mode (PSM), for proffering partial anonymity so that only the subject organization can see employee/client activity. It serves as a reliable and indigenous anonymous network in order to secure and anonymize web traffic for customers and evade the attackers from compromising, altering and sabotaging user's information. Cypher Maze comes with hardware to maintain code security, MAC binding and licensing. It would help common users, government organizations, corporate sector and financial organizations to maintain complete anonymity. The project, Cypher Maze, has been thoroughly tested against a variety of information leakage tests and it will certainly unbolt futuristic avenues of innovation and research, along with navigating us towards the evolution of indigenous solutions. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Cypher Maze : (A Secure and Private Anonymous Network) en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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